
Building software together

At Kunlabora we build tailor-made software together. Our dedicated teams work with the latest technologies to create software solutions using a disciplined, iterative, end-to-end approach which is founded on the continuous collaboration with our customers. This approach enables us to release the right solution for current business challenges

Discover how

Inclusive teams

Each of our teams commited to a single project and consists of people with diverse roles in the software development process: developers, analysts and our customers. We believe that quality solutions only emerge from extensive teamwork that focuses on uniting individual strengths.

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Latest technologies and techniques

Making software depends on mastering many different skills and tools. At Kunlabora we strive towards technical excellence by continously learning about new techniques and develoments in the Java world, but also in DevOps, cloud solutions, analyisis, testing and project management.

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Disciplined and iterative end-to-end approach

We emply a holistic appraoch, working together with our customers from day one and iteratively adjusting the software to solve actual business challengers. After each sprint (max. 2 weeks), we release a new version of the software that will be continuously improved and expanded in the next iterations.

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Inclusive teams


In order to acquire and improve our knowledge and technical skills, we continuously participate in different learning activities. Only by remaining critical of our own capacities we are able to keep up with the rapid changes in software development.

Latest technologies and techniques


In order to acquire and improve our knowledge and technical skills, we continuously participate in different learning activities. Only by remaining critical of our own capacities we are able to keep up with the rapid changes in software development.

Disciplined and iterative end-to-end approach


In order to acquire and improve our knowledge and technical skills, we continuously participate in different learning activities. Only by remaining critical of our own capacities we are able to keep up with the rapid changes in software development.