
Amplifier *ok*

Your current software solution has proven its viability, and now you want to make it even better. Our teams can extend your software with new functionalities, improve its performance and scalability, adapt it to be compliant with new regulations and more. For companies, government administrations & organisations who want to grow their current software solution further, an Amplifier is a Kunlabora service that brings your software solution to the next level in a relatively short period of time, unlike other services that do not take end-to-end ownership, work less purposefully and are less time oriented. *in te vullen** dit komt uit het K-book (laatste zin komt bij verschillende services te staan maar klinkt negatief, beter negatieve dingen in positieve zaken veranderen)*in te vullen*

Kunlabora *to be reviewed*

Title of body section *in te vullen*

Your current software solution has proven its viability, and now you want to make it even better. Our teams can extend your software with new functionalities, improve its performance and scalability, adapt it to be compliant with new regulations and more.

For companies, government administrations & organisations who want to grow their current software solution further, an Amplifier is a  Kunlabora service that brings your software solution to the next level in a relatively short period of time, unlike other services that do not take end-to-end ownership, work less purposefully and are less time oriented. *to be reviewed*


For companies, government administrations & organisations who want to grow their current software solution further, an Amplifier is a  Kunlabora service which brings your software solution to the next level in a relatively short period of time, ----unlike other services that do not take end-to-end ownership, work less purposefully and are less time oriented.---

> dat laatste zou ik weglaten, beter eigen waarde beklemtonen dan de waarde van competitie neerhalen.

Je kan wel zeggen: --thanks to our deeply embedded sense of propriety, goal-orientated mindset and collaborative approach. ( -- en eventueel link naar cultuur pagina?)

Image in body alt text *in te vullen*

Timeline & details

  • With a team of 5 software development experts. *to be reviewed*

  • Your software solution can be amplified in 3 to 6 months. *to be reviewed*

  • An appropriated target budget to be determined. *to be reviewed*

  • Cross functional team with project manager, customer proxy, software architect and software developer. *to be reviewed*

Product deliverables

  • To make sure we stay aligned with your business needs and constraints, intensive collaboration with a representative from your organisation and regular interaction with target users will contribute to success. *ok*

Amplifier *ok* benefits

Focus *ok*

The Amplifier focuses on the amplification dimensions you agree upon, without losing budget and time on other features. *ok*focuses on those dimensions of your software solution which you would like to grow* kan ook

Fast time to market. *ok*

Quickly benefit from the amplification of your software solution. *ok*

Disciplined project management. *ok*

Follow your project in a transparent way and avoid unpleasant surprises in budget and timing. *ok*

How it works

Step 1. Intake *ok*

During an intake meeting, we present our way of working and adapt it to your organisation. In addition, we make the goals you want to achieve more concrete *ok** of 'more tangible', more defined' kan ook*

Step 2. Plan & Assemble *ok*

We put together a team of experienced software development experts with complementary skills. The team only works on your project, so you get their full focus and dedication. Together we determine in which dimensions you want to amplify your software and which can be realised within three months. We agree when to start, and ... Go! Go! Go! *ok*** which new features can be delivered within three months*** instead of amplify you can use 'grow'(optional)**

Step 3. Build *ok*

We carefully amplify and strengthen your current software solution step by step in consecutive periods of two weeks, of course in close cooperation and complete transparency with you. You see your software grow further, and where necessary you can adjust the direction. *ok*

Step 4. Release *ok*

After 3 to 6 months, your improved software application is up and running. *ok*

Step 5. Next steps *ok*

If you want us to maintain your software for you, take a look at our Care service. If you want to maintain your software yourself, we ensure that your IT staff has everything they need in order to do this independently. *ok*

Extra: Independent quality assessment *ok*

Before amplifying existing software, certain quality conditions must be met. Sometimes it may be valuable to have this quality assessed by a third, independent party: we can bring you in touch. *ok*: must be: we can get you in touch

Image in how it works section alt text *in te vullen*

Meet some happy customers

Woman cycling on a wheelchair bike

Non-profit project

Creating value for suppliers of mobility devices *ok*

Enabling suppliers to request, deliver and invoice all sorts of walking aids *ok*

povigo icon

Non-profit project

Growth application POVIGO *ok*

Povigo is a self-development application we prototyped and built with funding from the European Social Fund. With this project, Kunlabora was elected ESF-ambassador 2020. *to be reviewed*

Woman cycling on a wheelchair bike

Non-profit project

Creating value for suppliers of mobility devices *ok*

Enabling suppliers to request, deliver and invoice all sorts of walking aids *ok*

povigo icon

Non-profit project

Growth application POVIGO *ok*

Povigo is a self-development application we prototyped and built with funding from the European Social Fund. With this project, Kunlabora was elected ESF-ambassador 2020. *to be reviewed*

Woman cycling on a wheelchair bike

Non-profit project

Creating value for suppliers of mobility devices *ok*

Enabling suppliers to request, deliver and invoice all sorts of walking aids *ok*

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How can we help?
